A Brief Note on Nature

Spending time alone often provokes a longing for connection, including with oneself, or with nature. A thought occurred to me while walking through rows of flowers at the end of their bloom on a small farm in the hills of the Smokies. I admired their still-vibrant beauty while the air around me buzzed with horrible wasp-looking creatures and other insects, some barely perceptible until they were in my throat.  I had been pondering what it meant to connect with nature, specifically.

That phrase, “connection with nature”, incites visions of panoramic views, the fragrance of mountain air, or the sturdy feel of an old oak.  

It’s not typical of me, upon hearing that phrase, to conjure images of a bloodied baby bunny hanging, lifeless, from the mouth of a beady-eyed raccoon.  Nor those of centipede infestations and huntsman spiders.  Nature has a side to her that’s often ugly, sometimes vile, and downright terrifying. 

It turns out, so do I.

Nature isn’t always pleasing.  Knowing that, and discerning the parallel to my own defects, has been my key to connecting with her.  And subsequently, with myself.

“Connecting with nature” isn’t simply gratitude for a desert vista or a prairie sunset.  It’s acceptance of her, complete with roaches, poison oak, and malaria. They’re all an integral and necessary part of the way she functions as a whole.

Mother Nature, as wondrous and admirable as she is, doesn’t exclusively demand benevolence nor beauty from herself. What a soothing realization.

Despite it all, I still want to be out in Nature.  

I’ll take her.

And I’ll take me, too. 

Author: Itsawander

18 thoughts on “A Brief Note on Nature

  1. Hola Sarita buena tarde que gran razón tienes la naturaleza no es solamente todo color de rosa también tiene su lado obscuro el cual has percibido y eso te hace conocer y tener tus sentidos completamente desarrollados así como conocer la naturaleza q es hermosa y misteriosa ala vez!!!

  2. Are you OK Sarah. I got an odd vibe from this post. This one seemed a little dark. If you need to talk I am here. Take care and be safe.

    1. At least, that was my intention. It was interesting to me that it sounded dark to you, but it’s refreshing to hear your perspective. I may have dipped a toe in the dark side! 😅 thanks for reading and I am definitely ok!

      1. Good evening Sarah.I’m happy to hear that it was just my interpretation. I look forward to your videos and your posts. Be safe and take care

  3. Hola Sarah!! Saludos desde México!! Es verdad que la naturaleza tiene su lado “no tan agradable”, pero en lo personal la maldad y la bondad son conceptos humanos que no existen en la naturaleza, un lobo caza por hambre, no por maldad.. Debemos aceptar ese lado no tan agradable como parte de un todo.. Un todo maravilloso y lo mas importante.. ES GRATIS!!! Si aceptamos esto, encontramos el equilibrio que tanto buscamos y es tan importante en nuestras vidas.. Saludos!!!

    1. Gracias por tus pensamientos… y es más importante aceptar ese lado no tan agradable en uno mismo. Saludos y gracias por leer!

  4. Yo opino que la conexión a la naturaleza es muy importante, nos ayuda a respetar todo y a todos pero si como dices ver lo que puede pasar en la cadena alimenticia afecta en todos los sentido..pero bien x ti sara..reevaluar todo en tu vida es genial..enhorabuena amiga mia!

  5. Buen pensamiento sobre la naturaleza, la madre naturaleza en si tiene una energía mágica y una vibra positiva. Buena nota sarita 🙂

  6. A veces vivimos tan de prisa que nos olvidamos de lo maravilloso de la naturaleza, nuestro inconsciente sabe que ahí está pero no la valoramos, pero es lo mejor que nos puede dar la tierra, eso nos da vida.
    Saludos Sarita hermosa

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